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Translation & Transmission

-Weekly Blog

Week 2  (25/04/2021) â€‹â€‹

For the Part A for this project, I first looked up and try to understand how infographics work as I am still quite unsure.

After that I decided to research a bit on some topics.


I am still thinking of the theme to choose for this project as I keep going back and forth with the themes: Science and Society.​


One topic I thought of is "the science behind a smile". After watching "the happy film" by Stefan Sagmeister, I thought that maybe I can try to make a topic that either relates to smiles or happiness. 

I'm still unsure to have it as "the science behind a smile" or "the meaning of a smile". For this I thought of maybe researching on how smiling affects an individual and maybe what they are trying to indicate/what's it trying to tell. 


Another topic I thought of is "smiles towards others". For this I thought of maybe researching about how smiling at others could affect that other person. Maybe it made their day? Maybe it creeped them out? Maybe they're friends and are joking around? Or maybe its been a long time and they have finally met up with each other, who knows?


For now I am still unsure and confused of what topic I will go with but I will try to do more research on said topics and probably think of new topics..

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