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Translation & Transmission

-Weekly Blog

Week 10 (20/06/2021) â€‹â€‹

This week, I've done some sketches for my infographic. Since my topic was some what related to the coronavirus, I made the virus shape to be part of the infographic as sort of like the main illustration. The circle parts that pop out of the main body of the virus will be the logos of the main points that I chose to put into the infographic.


I was also thinking of having half the virus being cut in half, to sort of show the outer layer on one side and the inner part on the other side. The inner part will show the data that I collected through the survey. It would contain bar charts, scales, graphs, or something along the lines of those. The data would also be color coded to fit the main logos that they relate to.


The layout is the one on the right (refer to sketch below). I only did one quick sketch of it and it looks very basic to me. This isn't the final ones I would be going for but after this I would try playing around with the layout and try developing the placements more.

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