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Graphic Design in Context

-Weekly Blog

Week 12 (07/07/2021)

Everything About One Thing (Sugar):

This week I've played around with sugar and tried making text with it. I've tried writing out "Sugar" with the literal sugar and also tried to make patterns with the sugars I have at home which are white granulated sugar, brown sugar, and rock sugar. I've also tried to make a speech bubble as I had planned for one of the pages for my EAOT book to have that. After this I would still continue playing around with sugar to create possible text of patterns as the ones I have now are only a few of it. The next step would be to continue experimenting with that and also to start the layout of the book in InDesign.


"THING" (Branding)

For my sugar brand name I've decided to go with "Sugarize!". After discussing I've added the exclamation mark as part of the brand name as it sort of gives it a more excitement feel and personality.


For the brand typography/font, I've looked up a few possible ones I could use but it was not suitable as it doesn't bring out the feel or personality of the product. I could try to play around with the two fonts I've found which are "Anesthysta" and "Battiest", which are both handwritten types of fonts.


I have searched for the color scheme for this which was mostly pastel themed as it thought it might suit the elegant crystals aesthetics. After discussing I also agreed that though the pastel theme was nice and pleasant to look at it does not help attract attention. I still need to work on it and try finding a more brighter and striking color to suit the brand product.


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