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Oddly Ordinary

Self-Portrait Project -Design Practice 2


"Life is just like chicken breasts. Plain, boiled chicken breasts look, sound, and taste sad and boring. If you and some spices and maybe cook it a different way, then it would turn out to be more interesting and exciting."


This project was inspired by the way I view life, in context of chicken breasts! (I love eating chicken breasts uwu)

I had no idea what to do for this self-portrait project (as usual) but I do know I wanted to do something weird and maybe funny. So, voila!


This time I tried photo collage with a bit of help of digital drawing (the sauces on the chicken) cause I didn't know how to make that work in photo collage..


I'd say its not as bad as from what I expected.. But as usual, the thing i could still improve on is the colors.. after finishing it only do i realise the background looks kind of dull:(


PS. That "ice cream" in the cone is actually a boiled chicken;))

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