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Graphic Design in Context

-Weekly Blog

Week 8  (09/06/2021)

This week I made a Venn diagram to organize and sort out the 20 projects and also to make it easier for me to mark the 2 other points which are "Where do you see yourself now?" and "Where do you want to be in the future?".


























Before I start illustrating for the GD Map, I sketched out and planned the placements for the "islands" that symbolizes the fields of designs. Currently with the 20 projects chosen, I've categorized them all to 8 types of field of design:

Commercial, Responsible, Discursive, Experimental, Responsible x Discursive, Responsible x Experimental, Responsible x Commercial, and Commercial x Experimental.


As of now the illustration part for that is almost done. All that's left now is a few touch ups and correcting some areas. After that, I'll place it into the A2 GD map alongside the descriptions for the projects chosen and other information like the legend on the map and so on.

Venn Diagram -GD map.png
GD MAP.jpg

Everything About One Thing (EAOT) Project

For this project I started researching and making a concept map to compile information for "Sugar". I wanted to find out the different types of sugar, the good and bad about sugar, and what other things can sugar be used for other than cooking.

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