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Design Principles

This story is inspired by a plant that I have in my room. It has a small cat character with a heart on the plant.

I thought it would be interesting if I were to take that plant and the character and made them have an interaction or like a connection with each other, so i came up with this story titled "GUARDIAN".

This story is about this cat-looking creature which is a guardian of a forest. It looks after every living creature in the forest and protects them.

Its main role and purpose is to protect the "treasure", which is the heart that's inside of the sacred tree. Throughout the years, many have tried to find and get their hands on the heart but they all failed. 

A puppet who was wandering in the forest, looking for the treasure had stumbled upon the sacred tree. The guardian was out scouting the area and didn't know that someone had found the tree. To get to the heart, the puppet took a rock from the ground and smashed it on the outer wall of the tree, breaking it and gaining access to the heart of the forest. 

After a while the puppet had left, the guardian realized the wall was destroyed and the heart was gone. The puppet left not long ago and the guardian soon spotted the puppet. It then shape shifted into a large monstrous looking creature to scare the puppet and make him return the heart.


I made it so that the last page has no true ending. The purpose of this is that i wanted to let people have their own choice. After finishing the story, people could imagine the outcomes and what would happen if the puppet chose what they think he did. I made the story so that the story was a bit interactive and interesting for the readers.  

Making this story was quite fun. It has helped me explore some different techniques digitally and i quite enjoyed it. It has also helped me practice coloring and water coloring, something I've been wanting to practice but couldn't find the time to.

Despite that, I wished that I could've not colored out the lines of the sketches as i kept doing that accidentally. For some parts, i also accidentally mixed the wrong colors and painted it on, causing me to redo that piece which took up quite some time. I hope that i could improve color matching as that's something I struggle with quite a lot. 

I also realize that some parts could use some different typography to make it more relevant and interesting to get the feels of whats happening at that moment.  

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