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Graphic Design in Context

-Weekly Blog

Week 11 (30/06/2021)

Everything About One Thing (Sugar):

For this week I've made a thumbnail sketch for my EAOT project to help plan things out and get a better idea. I would have to find the information/content for the topics and pages and compile them. For images, I am planning on playing around with sugar and see what I could do with it. Some images might not be possible for me to make as the resources might not be available to me. Due to that fact, I'm planning on using free images for it if I have no other choice.


Next step after this would be trying to get content like information and images to be put as content into the book.



"THING" (Branding)

I have come up with the vision and mission for my branding project. The vision is to allow people to choose between the 8 available flavors, 4 normal ones, and 4 unusual, unconventional ones. The sugars can be eaten as it is or it can be put into a hot beverage as an additive or sweetener.


The mission would be to allow people to expand their taste buds and explore different flavors and combinations. Mixing different sugar flavors could make a beverage be either good or weird. Its as if its a world of the unknown for the taste buds and its up to the brave souls to discover! Other than being something you can enjoy, it can also act as something for a prank. That can be done by mixing weird flavors together and handing that to an unexpected someone.


The archetype would be "The Explorer". The reason for this being that the sugars may be some kind of weird flavors, who knows sometimes the unexpected surprise might be good. 


The core values are Curiosity, Adventurous, Daring. The tone of voice would be Friendly & Curious.


The target audience is for anyone who is willing or interested in trying new flavors. To be a bit more specific, it is intended for teens and young adults who are aged 13 to 28 years old. The reason for this is that I assume people around that age group would be more open minded and are willing to try and explore.

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